What is more fundamental - Mathematics or Logic
Let’s start this from the beginning… oh…and I do mean THE BEGINNING! Though this logos is true always, yet men are always unable to understand it when they hear it for the first time as before they have heard it at all - Heraclitus Aristotle names what we now call ‘pre-socratics’ the physiologoi (φυσιολόγοι) meaning ‘ those who discoursed on nature’. Indeed the entire works of Plato and Aristotle are retrospective attempts to address the challenges made by these Philosophers. Several which are important to our question: lógos (λόγος) by Heraclitus (535 – c. 475 BC) that translates into something like ‘ a debated accounting of the portions and reason of things‘ . kósmos ( κόσμος ) by Pythagoras (570 – c. 495 BC) that translates into something like ‘ a universal complex and orderly arrangement ’. For Pythagorean’s the reality of the kósmos was the Monad or monas (μονάς)...